Terms of Use
Each visitor entitled to own opinion, sense of safety and comfort during browsing our website. Show respect to one another!
Do not spread false and illegal information. Do not post pornographic materials, along with materials prohibited by applicable law. Do not post other people’s materials without their permission.
The site administration does not approve offensive comments, calls to illegal actions, threats, propaganda, racial intolerance, the placement of vulgar and obscene materials, as well as other unacceptable material and behavior on our website. Follow all applicable laws and regulations.
The site administration reserves the right to take appropriate actions against person who, in our opinion, has violated the Terms and Conditions of use of the website. In particular, we may delete the offending user’s comments without prior notice and block such user temporary or permanently. The administration determines all violations at its own discretion.
The terms and conditions of the site may be updated / modified by the administration without any special notice to visitors and/or users. All new provisions gain momentum after their publication.
Conditions of Use
Blog articles might be collected from various Internet resources, all articles belong to their authors. We do not claim authorship and provide all materials from open sources.
We take seriously copyright infringement claims. If you find materials whose authorship is yours and which, in your opinion, are used without permission, inform the Administration of this site via Contact form.
All media products are provided for informational purposes. The administration is not responsible for the materials, links and any other information posted by users or guests of the site.
Materials (articles, notes, comments, etc.) may contain hyperlinks to external sites. If you use hyperlinks to access external sites, you will leave our site and your browser will be redirected to third-party sites that may have their own terms of use and privacy policy.
Administration is not responsible for the content, information, services, products or advertisements presented by any other site. All transitions to third-party sites are at your own risk.
The administration is not responsible for the efficiency of external links, the content of information on other resources, as well as respect for the rights of third parties to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization used on other resources.
Any material / comment that is illegal, threatening, which contains information that adversely affects the reputation of our website, as well as materials that have offensive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, offensive, pornographic, racist, sexually outspoken, ethnically or culturally offensive, indecent or propagandizing violence, racial hatred, terrorism or illegal actions nature will be permanently deleted.
By using the site (myneptunes.com), you accept everything “as-is”. We have the right to change the site, including changing or adding more services, sections, changing the design, ways of displaying ads, disable or delete any component, as well as the website itself.
It is forbidden to carry out any commercial activities or similar activities without the prior consent of the Administration. Any unauthorized advertising materials, spam, requests for material assistance, petitions or any other forms of a commercial and non-commercial materials will be permanently deleted.
Reproduction of any part of the site or its contents without our permission is forbidden. Copying, alteration, distribution, modification, publication of our content by you, directly or indirectly, is strictly prohibited.
It is forbidden to impersonate any other natural or legal person, falsely declare or otherwise distort your affiliation to a natural or legal person or project.
It is forbidden to use or try to use someone else’s information, account, password. Collect personal data, including phone numbers, addresses, last names, emails or any other information about users.
It is forbidden to encourage, pursue or commit acts that constitute a criminal offense or otherwise violate any local, state, national or international law or otherwise provide materials that exploit or harm any natural, legal person.
For materials and actions that violate the applicable Law, users and visitors of the site are personally liable. The administration of the site declines responsibility for the behavior of such persons.
All actions (blocking, editing, deleting, etc.) which are aimed at the violating visitor and user and their materials, as well as other materials violating the Terms and Conditions of use the administration of site determines and accepts at its own discretion.
The administration does not guarantee that the site and its services will be provided continuously, optimally, reliably and without errors, and that the results that can be obtained by the user will be accurate. The administration reserves the right to close any of the services of the site, or to remove or block the site entirely at any time, including any submitted material by any user.
The site is in beta testing. Its functionality may be unstable. Some functions of the site may not function correctly, may be changed or deleted. In connection with the ongoing work on improving and normalizing the performance of the site, information may partially or completely, temporarily or permanently disappear. Administration of this site is not responsible for such and similar cases.
The administration is not responsible for any direct and indirect losses that may have occurred due to the use or inability to use services of the site, or unauthorized access to the user account.
Administration is not responsible for the violation of the current legislation by the users, including for the violation of the legislation on intellectual property.