How to Achieve Success on the Music Stage

How to Achieve Success on the Music Stage
Image credit: Wendy Wei

The article provides tips and insights for musicians on how to achieve success on the music stage, improve stage presence and perfect their performing techniques. It can be helpful for aspiring musicians who are looking for guidance on how to navigate the competitive world of music and make their mark on the industry as successful live performers.


Performing on stage can be a thrilling experience for musicians, as it offers them the opportunity to showcase their talent and connect with their audience in a unique way. However, it can also be a nerve-wracking experience, particularly for new musicians who may not be familiar with the ins and outs of live performances. This is why it is crucial for musicians to prepare themselves before stepping on stage and to follow certain tips to ensure a successful performance.

How to Achieve Success on the Stage

  1. Put the Audience First
    The audience should always be the top priority for any artist performing on stage. Therefore, when performing, the artists should think of the audience and try to convey their music to listeners.
  2. Prepare Thoroughly
    Preparing for performance should involve meticulous attention to detail. Everything, including the songs to be performed and the artist’s appearance, should be well thought out. The artist should always be in line with the concert’s theme.
  3. Learn Your Performance Inside and Out
    The artist should memorize the performance and be able to play it flawlessly. The technical aspects of the performance, such as notes and chords, should be automatic. This way, the artist can focus on the emotional aspect of the performance.
  4. Engage with Your Audience
    The artists should communicate with the audience and show them that they are playing for them. No one likes to see musicians who seem disinterested and lethargic, playing only to show off their skills. Such performances are easily forgettable.
  5. Feel the Mood of the Room
    The artists should feel the audience’s mood and either adjust to it or direct it. If the audience is lively during the previous performance, they will likely dance during the artists’ performance if they adjust their program. Similarly, if the audience is tired, the artists can liven them up with upbeat songs and lively comments.
  6. Make Eye Contact with Your Audience
    From the stage, the artists should always look at the audience. Facial expressions can easily indicate the audience’s feelings toward the performance.
  7. Don’t Copy Others
    The artists should avoid copying others and develop their own unique style. Coming up with a distinctive gimmick for the stage performance can set the artists apart from hundreds of similar acts.
  8. Be Prepared for Unappreciative Audiences
    Not all audiences will appreciate the artist’s performance. At any given concert, there may be young viewers who do not understand the technical aspect of the music or elderly people who do not enjoy alternative music. However, remaining professional and performing to the best of one’s ability is crucial.
  9. Write Original Music
    Cover songs will only get the artist so far. If the artists want to become truly popular, they should write their own music.
  10. Do Not Panic
    Technical issues and problems are common on stage. If other musicians are facing problems, do not panic. A shaky voice and trembling hands are more noticeable than a malfunctioning microphone.
  11. Protect Your Reputation
    The artists should be careful not to perform at questionable events that do not match their style. They should never perform just for the sake of it.
  12. Focus on the Performance
    Before going on stage, the artists should focus on the performance and nothing else. A clear mind and a positive attitude are crucial for a successful performance.
  13. The Image is Half of the Battle
    The artists should move around the stage, but not excessively. The band members should not stand still either, as this can appear boring.
  14. Take Time for Sound Check
    Before performing, the artists should take enough time to check the sound. The sound check is essential for the sound quality of the performance.
  15. Enjoy the experience
    Finally, the artists should enjoy the experience of performing on stage. This is a chance to showcase their talents and passion for music. The audience will appreciate the enthusiasm and will be more likely to remember the performance as a result.


The tips outlined in the article are not limited to musicians alone but can be applied to performers of any kind. Whether it is music, theater, or comedy, the key to a successful performance is to connect with the audience. This can be achieved by engaging the audience with the performance, whether it’s through voice, gestures, or expressions. By connecting with the audience, artists can create a memorable experience that their fans will cherish for a long time.


The notable examples of successful musicians who have nailed it on a stage

Beyoncé – Beyoncé is known for her meticulous preparation and attention to detail. She spends months rehearsing and perfecting her live performances, incorporating intricate choreography, stunning visuals, and impressive vocal skills. She also interacts with her audience and engages them in her performances.

Prince – Prince was a master of stage presence, incorporating flamboyant outfits, dynamic dance moves, and impressive guitar skills into his performances. He was also known for his charisma and unique musical style, which set him apart from other artists.

Madonna – Madonna is a prime example of a musician who has constantly reinvented herself and her performances throughout her career. She has always focused on her audience and their experience, incorporating elaborate sets, costumes, and choreography to create memorable shows.

Michael Jackson – Michael Jackson was known for his exceptional showmanship, incorporating intricate dance moves, stunning visuals, and powerful vocals into his performances. He also interacted with his audience and was able to connect with them emotionally through his music.

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